Photo credits: Richie Lubaton
“Camp,” as a sensibility, offers ways to devote our whole selves to the art of performance as artifice, in its ultimate seriousness. We are inviting extreme excess: the over-performance, the flamboyant, the naïve and playful, all with utmost sincerity. As a company, CAMP is an artist-run entity, focused on collaborative art-making. Our mandate is to promote dialogue and care between artists throughout each step of the creative process. We aim to make dance in a social and circular sharing of ideas, supporting each collaborator’s artistic development, use of voice, and furthering of identity. We work to construct fantastical worlds of dance theatre that embrace both risk and relatability, while cultivating a performance space that emulates the full and messy experience of human connection. Leaning into the theatrical elements of performance by finding extremes, rich with artifice, aesthetic, fantasy, exaggeration, and comedy, we present audiences with hyper-performative environments, as a magnified product of our collaborative interactions.
“If only it were so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” - Aleksandr Solzhentisyn Our piece explores concepts of humanity, the balance between wants and fears, and interpersonal trust. We recognize this as a topic that exists at the forefront of our society, which is in such a moment of profound ongoing change. The intangible evil discussed in the quote above is insidious because it is systematic, rather than personal; we each experience and exhibit it by virtue of the societal structure in which we were raised, rather than malicious personal motivations. The transference from societal to personal is born of panic, blame, and self-preservation. We are exploring iconography of the cowboy that is rich with imagery, a sense of nostalgia, memory, and fantasy. We embody characters that display hysterical emotions, cycling through versions of happiness, sadness, and anger. To elevate these characters, our focus has been on dramatics by way of extreme physicality, where athleticism unravels our humanity.
Photo credits: courtesy of the artists
Performance History of WANTED
May 2021 - "WANTED" Premiere at Vancouver International Dance Festival in Vancouver BC(Livestream)
July 2021 - "PAM" Premiere at Dancing On The Edge Festival in Vancouver BC (Live performance @ Firehall)
Project Details
Project created by: CAMP
Key Collaborators: Brenna Metzmeier, Eowynn Enquist, Isak Enquist, Sarah Formosa, Ted Littlemore (Performers/Choreographers) Jono Kim (Lighting Design), Stefan Nazarevich (Music) and Justine A. Chambers (Outside Eye)
Audience: Family audiences
Length in minutes: 60 minutes - Full-length work
Space required: This work is built for theatre
Preparation required: 8 hours for lighting set-up and 8 hours of focus/que-to-que tech.
General technical requirements: Marley floors, Good quality PA/Sound system for venue size, Lighting Hang, and 2-3 Microphones and stands. CAMP will provid set pieces and props in the space.
Availabilities: FALL 2021, WINTER 2022, SPRING 2022, SUMMER 2022, FALL 2022, WINTER 2023, SPRING 2023, SUMMER 2023
Number of performers on tour: 5 traveling performers
Number of support staff on tour: 2 production personnel
Community Engagement Activities
We are thrilled to offer master classes to young and aspiring dance artists. Between the 5 of us, we carry a multitude of perspectives and training backgrounds to offer an assortment of master classes and workshops. The artists of CAMP collectively have backgrounds in Classical Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Karate, Acrobatics, Pilates, Floor-work and Partnering, all which affect the different classes we can offer. We are dedicated to offering workshops and community classes to all levels of dancer, we can discuss options to provide workshops for various ages and abilities. It would be a pleasure for us to share our passion for movement with your community!
Contact: CAMP,
Facebook: CAMPdancecollective
Instagram: campisinsession