Workshop Exchanges with local youth, Summer 2023 & Fall 2024

including exchanges between local and visiting artists


Ts’msyen La̱xyuup homelands (Prince Rupert) 

Aug 1-6, 2023 

Brenda Kent Colina aka Bee Llegada, Partida (Arrival, Departure)

Fior Saoirse Land Alchemy: Movement Meditations

Film showing: March 1 2024

THE STUDIO: Dance & Wellness  

on the lands of the Sinixt, Secwepemc (Secwepemcul’ewc), Syilx, and the Ktunaxa (Revelstoke) 

Sept 20-23, 2024

Simran Sanchar, Sophia Sosa: The Lunacy Phase

Emily Carlson, The Studio Dance & Wellness: Youth Program

Collaborators: Sophie Sosa, Sevrin Emancen-Boyd 


Tsawwassen First Nation, on the lands of the Penelakut, Hwlitsum, Lelum Sar Augh Ta Naogh, and other Coast Salish peoples (Galiano Island)

June 13-15, 2024

Shion Skye Carter: Movement and Calligraphy Workshop

Collaborator: calligraphy artist Kisyuu.

Home Lands in Our Bodies

Brenda Kent Colina aka Bee in a workshop exchange with Fior Saoirse, Ts’msyen La̱xyuup homelands (Prince Rupert) 

‘Home Lands in Our Bodies’ is the result of a dance-based artist exchange between multidisciplinary artists Fior Saoirse and Brenda Kent Colina. 

The short film produced was reached through a series of workshops that were offered primarily to youth through Change Makers’ Education Society, a non-profit dedicated to creating social change in Prince Rupert, on the unceded Ts’msyen La̱xyuup homelands. 

This project unfolded as a dynamic tapestry of creativity and community, encouraging participants to explore dance as a means to forge deeper connections with themselves as well as with each other.

Throughout the entire planning process, it was deemed important for the focus to be intentionally shifted away from rigid dance form and technique. Instead, the emphasis was placed on tuning into one's body and relishing the joy of dancing as a form of play, release, and integration. Thus, the workshops unfolded as a holistic journey, encompassing various forms of expression such as meditation, journaling, walks in nature, and even participating at an open mic night. 

As a whole, ‘Home Lands in Our Bodies’ aims to capture the beauty of embodied art and the importance of collaborative expression. 

Orchestrated in partnership with Change Makers’ Education Society and Dance West Network, this initiative was supported by the BC Arts Council Arts Impact Fund.

Changemakers’ Education Society, March 1 2024 monthly open mic

The film showing of Homelands in Our Bodies was followed by a writing workshop - with prompts generated from the film - which all culminated in a public reading.


Located Beyond the Lower Mainland, BC

An online listing of artist profiles from the BC Youth Dance and Research Project, sharing the artists’ research, creative processes, and development of projects which are ready to engage with communities in collaboration with local organizations.

Project Colleagues: Alyssa Amarshi, Joanne Cuffe, Tsatassaya White

Project Consultants: Olivia C. Davies, Lindy Sisson

Dance West Network is thrilled to continue ongoing work connecting dance artists & writers through Encompass, a booklet documenting the projects from the 2022 BC Youth Dance and Research Project, including image descriptions and graphic recordings. 

This multidisciplinary booklet features essays by emerging artist Alex Masse & booklet editor Sarah Wong, photos by Jordan Shum, illustrations by Juolin Lee, and graphic design by Emma Reid

It highlights the amazing community-driven work happening across the Lower Mainland from BC Youth Project artists Alyssa Amarshi, AJ Kule Kambere, Bee Kent Colina, Fior Saoirse, Rosario Ancer, Shion Skye Carter, Simran Sachar, and Tanis Baer & Kenley Knock.  

The essay is also in French, translated by Carroll Guerin LaFleche with support from Audrey Gaussiran. 

The booklet is now available online for FREE in two formats: as a PDF and we also have the booklet available as a Word Document (designed to increase accessibility for blind/low-vision communities using screen readers and magnification). If you would like access to a word document, please reach out to admin@dancewest.net. The file is too large to make easily available on this website platform.  

We are also excited to be offering made-to-order booklets in print form so Encompass can find a spot in your bookshelf.

PDF (Free) - click here

Booklet ($12) - click here

Selected Artists & Projects