Escape Room

Julianne Chapple / Future Leisure


Project Description

Escape is a one on one interactive performance delivered via phone and lasting approximately 30 mins. Beginning with a series of text messages, the work ends with a final monologue heard via phone call, while the participant watches a video online. Exploring themes of escapism, psychogeography, corporeality and the dissociation from the body that comes with an increase of online interaction, this work is an individualized experience taking place between midnight and 3am and acts as a choreographic score that can be physicalized by the audience participant.

Read full description here.

Read full script of work here.


Company Profile

Led by artistic director Julianne Chapple, Future Leisure is dedicated to the creation, instruction and presentation of innovative movement practices. With an emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, the company creates works which are based in and around the body and often incorporate movement, text, video, sound and sculpture. These hybrid pieces utilize surreal imagery, explorations of objecthood and invitations to contemplate alien worlds. Since it’s founding in 2018, the company has produced two evening length works in collaboration with the Dance Centre and New Works, traveled to perform at festivals in Toronto, Calgary, New York City and Derry, Northern Ireland, and produced two editions of the Shooting Gallery Performance Series. Since March, Future Leisure has presented three works through digital platforms presented by the National Arts Centre, MST: Performative Art, Upintheair Theatre’s e-Volver festival and CB Nuit.


Choreographer and Key Collaborators

Created by: Julianne Chapple
Performers: Maxine Chadburn, Katie Findlay, Ed Spence, Jen Yan

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Past and

Upcoming performances

June 2020, Upintheair Theatre's e-Volver Festival, Vancouver

September 2020, CB Nuit, Newfoundland

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Project Details

  • Type of work

Remote performance

  • Performance Type

This work is built for remote presentation via cell phone. This is a one-on-one interactive experience. 

  • Audience Type

anyone who can stay up past midnight

  • Length in minutes:

approx 30 mins per audience member

  • # of Performers on Tour


  • # of Support Staff on Tour


  • Fee range:

Fee range is flexible based on number of performances.

  • Available to tour:


  • Other performance information:

With the support of accessibility consultant Kristy Kassie, we have also created low vision friendly and hard of hearing friendly versions of this work.

  • Technical Requirements

audience members are required to have a phone with the ability to send/receive text messages and the ability to play a video from the internet on their phone or a nearby computer.

  • Technical Residency


  • Artist Name

Julianne Chapple / Future Leisure

  • Location


  • Contact Person

Julianne Chapple

  • Email

  • Website + Social Media