Figure Eights

Shay Kuebler / Radical System Art


Project Description

Figure Eights is a full-length duet performance created and performed by Contemporary artist Shay Kuebler and Tap artist Danny Nielsen. Danny and Shay build this work off their 6-year history of collaboration between percussive and non-percussive dance and the creation of projects like Telemetry (2017) Telemetry loop (2019) and On Foot (2019). Danny and Shay are both established artists in their perspective fields of Tap and Contemporary dance. Both artists have spent the past 13 years studying, creating and producing their own works. This momentum both individually and in-collaboration looks to propel this duet work. In its essence, “Figure Eights” looks to honour dance and the duet act as an essential and classic performing art form. “Figure Eights” takes its name for the famous track between the most prominent jazz drummers of their time Max Roach and Buddy Rich. Danny and Shay look to build a duet act that pays homage to classic vaudeville performances that were highlighted by unique characters, novelty acts, humour and virtuosic dance. This duet looks to further highlight the impact of the past and the art forms and artists that have influenced both artists. That this history is rooted in how both artists create and perform today. “Figure Eights” looks to blend both traditional and contemporary forms of movement, choreography and theatre design to find something new and classic. The classic performance is termed “classic” for a reason: it is of timeless quality and lasting worth. In a time where we need to listen and learn from our history even more, Danny and Shay look to find a balance of the past and present. Building something that can find a touch of this “timeless” quality and pay respects to the artists and acts that happened before them. As we do in the arts, we learn from those before us and then create our own version. In the process, we extend the legacy of those before us.

Danny and Shay are both artists who have dedicated themselves to their training and the proper education of the art forms the perform and create. This work and this duet looks to honour the traditions of the art forms we’ve grown from, in doing so, we look to demonstrate our immense respect and appreciation of the art forms, cultural backgrounds and artists that support them. With our history of touring, creating and performing, we also recognize the immense privilege we’ve had as artists. We work, share and educate with our art forms with this complete sense of honour and gratitude. We offer this to the communities we enter and we have always recognized the importance of honouring and educating around the traditions and origins of our art forms.


Company Profile

Radical System Art (RSA) was formed in February of 2014, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. RSA aims to create performance works that push innovation in both the physical and visual arts. Artistic Director Shay Kuebler is an artist whose foundation began in dramatic arts and traditional martial arts at the age of 4. Shay places a great emphasis on honouring and supporting his diverse background in the arts through continued study and training, which has included focused studies in martial arts, dance, theatre and music in Brazil, Japan, China and The USA. Radical System Art is based on the theory of finding the balance of the highly-trained and the technical with the raw and the instinctual. RSA aims to support this concept through an interdisciplinary and collaborative environment - blending dance, martial arts, theatre, music and new technologies into new contemporary forms. RSA aims to redevelop and innovate in each new project through a rigorous approach to research, training and creation. The goal of the company is to build challenging, innovative and unique projects that can push the art form, reach new audiences and build greater appreciation for the arts.


Choreographer and Key Collaborators

Created by: Shay Kuebler/Radical System Art

Performers: Shay Kuebler & Danny Nielsen

Lighting: Rob Sondergaard

Sound: Kate De Lorme

Video & Technology: Eric Chad

Jazz & Tap consultants: Ivery Wheeler (LA), Derrick Grant (NYC) & Lisa La Touche (CGY/NYC)

Outside eye & project consultant: Vicki Davis (DJD CGY)

Prop/Set design: Ace Martens (Arts Club theatre VAN)

Outreach Activities

Advance prep for live performance: As with all of our touring activity, Danny and Shay support engagement, education and training opportunities prior to each performance. These workshops (all levels and ages), artist discussions and post-show talks offer the community the opportunity to be connected to the artists and the work more directly. From this place, we believe we can bring a greater understanding and appreciation of the art form and its artists. We do this with the continual goal to expand audiences and create greater public appreciation for the performing arts. This duet project, in particular, will have a greater connection/dialogue with the audience through the live performance. Danny and Shay directly engage as characters and as people throughout the performance with the audience, so this exchange is essential.

Outreach offered: Tap, Contemporary and urban dance class (all levels/all ages)/Martial arts classes/Open artist discussions for schools and the public/Post show talkbacks. We look to engage with greater public as well as with the arts community. The balance of theatre and dance in this work also opens itself up to all ages. The company also travels with experienced design artists who have hosted discussions directly with schools and technology/design programs. We support engaging the community in diverse ways and are open to discussions and creative strategies to better connect to your community.

Community Engagement

We are open to engaging the entire community as well as the local arts community. Danny and Shay have an over 15-year history of performing, touring and educating. We will look to offer flexible and unique programming to each community. Shifting with the nature of these times as well as for the specific needs of each community.

Shay Kuebler.jpg

Past and

Upcoming performances

Figure Eights plans to premiere and be presented with The Dance Centre in the Spring of 2022, Vancouver.


Project Details

  • Type of Work


    • Performance Type

    The work is being built for both purposes. Shay Kuebler/Radical System Art have already built two works specific for live-stream and video presentation. This project, with the scale of solo and duet performances, has a flexibility to be presented both online and in-theatre. We will work with local videographers and/or make specific arrangements with each presentation organization to support the performance of the work. With two artists performing, we see this duet as an optimally scaled project in these precarious and challenging times.

    The work is adaptable to a degree. We will have certain set and prop elements that will need certain degrees of space, but with portable flooring and modular props/set pieces, we can put this duet project into alternate venues.

    FULL LENGTH WORK (55-65mins)

    • Audience Type

    All ages

    • Length in minutes:

    55-65 mins

    • # of Performers on Tour


    • # of Support Staff on Tour

    3 (Technical director, Sound director and Video/technology)

    • Fee range:

    Performance fee: $5,000. This is based off the cost of 5 artists traveling on the road per week (Fees/Perdiem/Hotel $11,000) and covering these costs with a minimum of 2 performances per week. As with all past touring and tours on MiBC, RSA and Belsher Arts management will always negotiate further around fees depending on the nature of the performances, number of performances and the overall touring schedule. Depending on the number of workshops and classes, most community will be integrated into performance fees for the company on tour. If there is high activity level with regards to community engagement, the company will ensure a direct dialogue between management and local organizations to update on the scale of fees and payments.

    • Available to tour:

    Figure Eights plans to premiere and be presented with The Dance Centre in the Spring of 2022. As we have done with past works, we would like to propel the momentum of this premiere with touring throughout the network for the late winter/spring/summer of 2022. This would also connect to touring in the fall of 2022. As we will be touring with two vehicles, to support the travel of equipment and gear, we would aim to avoid the primary winter months.

    Late winter (Feb/March) & Spring/Summer 2022 (April – Aug)

    Fall 2022

    • Other performance information:

    Click here for Shay Kuebler/RSA Reviews

    • Technical Requirements

    Figure Eights is being developed through the artist-in-residence program with The Dance Centre in Vancouver, BC. The duet will have concentrated technical development and theatre residencies through October 2020 and January 2021. The project will tour with its own floor, props and set pieces. The project is being built to support a traditional house plot of lighting and sound. Any video and extra lighting equipment will be provided by the company and artists.

    • Technical Residency

    Yes. The work requires one set-up day of 8 hours and a second 8 hour day for technical rehearsals and performance.

    • Tech Rider

    Click here for Tech rider.

    • Artist Name

    Shay Kuebler/Danny Nielsen & Radical System Art

    • Location


    • Contact Person

    Brent Belsher -

    • Email

    • Website