Embodied Earth

Lindsay Delaronde


Project Description

I propose to create an hour-long solo performance titled Embodies Earth that expresses my understanding of land-based practice and embodiment of earth teachings through movement and sound inspired by the land.

Developing works derived by land-based practices, I will create all my choreography and conceptual framework through engaging with the land and waters.

This choreography will become a story of the land and how I perceive the landscape through movement.

Intended Audience: My audience is people who are invested in these themes of social justice and healing the land through the arts. Engaging and affirming this audience will help to create stronger alliances and future partnerships to address larger forces such as government, industry and politics.
Strengthening the voice of the radical voices to empower each other to dismantle colonialism and systemic racism towards Indigenous peoples and land and waters.

Header photo: Lindsay Delaronde; photo credit: Naomi Kennedy


Artist Profile

I am a multi-disciplinary artist focused on collaborative practice. My vision is to establish a creative practice that integrates traditional indigenous worldview, ritual, drumming, dancing, singing and storytelling with contemporary western movement and theatre skills. I wish to develop a cohesive way of working that uses the body as the main vehicle of expression for contemporary ideas, issues and stories which incorporate mythic and ancient elements. My practice has a high focus on creating social change, land justice and addressing systemic and racialized violence against Indigenous bodies and the land.


Choreographer and Key Collaborators

Lindsay Delaronde

Community artist (TBA) for workshop.

Community Engagement

I hope to facilitate a community-based workshop following all current health protocols of safety during covid 19. I hope to bring my practice into community to facilitate a body centered, mindfulness workshop outdoors. Community participants will have an opportunity to explore relationship to body and earth, drop into meditation and movement practices that encourage improvisation and exploration.

Project Details

  • Name of Artist: Lindsay Delaronde

    Title of Work: Embodied Earth

    Type of Work: Dance, Site Specific

    Audience Type: General

    Length in Minutes: This work is an hour long land -based performances and can be performed on a theatre as well using projections of land.

    # of Performers on Tour: 1

    # of Support Staff on Tour: 3

    Package Includes: Film projections, stills and video, my costume/regalia

    Space Required: Conventional theatre stage (if covid health protocols allows). Live stream for audience of covid health protocols don’t admit for attendance of live performances in theatres.
    I can also prerecord, edit and create a film of performance with an artistic and poetic aesthetic. 

    Available to Tour: Summer 2021, Summer 2022

    Technical Requirements: projector


    Contact Person: Lindsay Delaronde
    Location: 2658 Florence Lake rd. Victoria, BC
    Phone Number: 7789228631
    Email Address: katsitsakaste13@yahoo.ca