Party Bizarre

Ace Co Pro


Project Description

Party Bizarre explores the multitude of ways we inhabit our mind/bodies in this world. It pulls on (y)our vulnerability and (y)our power, (y)our ecstasies and (y)our pains. The piece arises from what it means for us to create together, to question choreographic assumptions and the shared necessity to include all of ourselves in the dances we make. Party Bizarre takes a meta perspective in its exploration of what it means to produce a ‘show’ and to share that with a group of witnesses. The piece plays with theatrical devices such as party lights and projection, the virtuosity of the dancing body and genres of popular music in order to interrogate how spectacle acts on us. In Party Bizarre, we explore how we compartmentalize our emotions into physical sensations, how our bodies take stock and remember the experiences they have had on a cellular level.


Company Profile

We, Elissa Hanson and Lexi Vajda, believe in a process that holds space for all of one’s needs and truths in order to reveal a bold and sensitive performance aesthetic; we believe in irreverent, risky, fierce and tender approaches to art making. Integrating intersectional practices around consciousness and embodiment has allowed us to be present, open and playful with the well of knowledge held by (our) dancing bodies. In our dances, the politics of care, notions of resilience and trauma, and psychological/ physical mechanisms we use to feel good take priority over the commodification of the dancing body. Through this, we aim to create performance situations where witnesses may also access their own spectrum of joys and sorrows. Our artistic mandate proposes educating ourselves in aesthetic theories and somatic practices which offer us transdisciplinary understandings of how (our) bodies might connect to each other in healthier, safer, and more intelligent ways.


Choreographer and Key Collaborators

Choreographer(s)/Creator(s) Name(s):
Elissa Hanson and Lexi Vajda

Additional Key Artistic Collaborators:
Music by Matthew Tomkinson
Lighting by Jessica Han
Mentorship by Justine A. Chambers, Delia Brett, Billy Marchenski

Community Engagement Activities

We propose two opportunities for Engagement Activties:

1) A choreographic workshop/discussion on building work through alternative forms of collaboration for young or emerging choreographers/artists.

2) A 'Make It Your Own" Workshop to learn the piece with a partner/collaborator that they want to 'customize' the dance to themselves with their partner.

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Past and

Upcoming performances

August 2018: 5 à 7 at Left of Main

November 2018: Shooting Gallery Performance Series

March 2020: "Unfinished Fridays" at Lake Studios in Berlin, Germany

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Media Credits:

Performers/Choreographers: Lexi Vajda and Elissa Hanson
Photography: Ed Spence

Project Details


Title of Work:
Party Bizarre

Premiere Date and Venue/Location:
November 2018/Shooting Gallery Performance

This project is a:
Full evening/Mainstage

Length in Minutes (including intermission):
30 - 45 minutes

Number of performers

Number of Performers on Tour:

Number of Support Staff on Tour:

Per-Performance Fee Range:

Available to Tour:

General Audience

A theatre, dance, performance minded audience that love subversive, joyful, slightly dark work.

Basic Tech Requirements:

Video Projector, general lighting, and curtains.

Other performance files (ex. tech riders, floor and light plots, past program notes, etc):

Lexi Vajda
604 671 5976

2710 Fraser Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, V5T 3V7

Website and Social Media