AJ Kule Kambere

My name is AJ Kule Kambere. I’m a professional dancer, event organizer, and public speaker. I’ve been doing this field of work for the last 15 years.

My project is Battlezone - it originated in Nanaimo and can be brought to any community with youth and community interested in learning more about Hip-Hop dance and culture. Workshops culminate in a dance battle (see description below).

Image description: AJ is pictured outside in a parking lot, leaning on a black car. In the background is a wood fence, a house, and the start of a setting sun. AJ is wearing Nike’s, black shorts, a white and blue jacket over a light blue shirt, a sideways baseball hat and black sunglasses. They are smiling brightly and looking out of the frame. They are holding a cell phone in one hand and a book in the other.

Nanaimo battlezone

The festival is called Nanaimo battlezone, a two-day festival which happens every family-day long weekend.

It a chance for people of Vancouver Island to see some of the best dancers from around the world showcase their skills while giving the youth opportunities to learn from these global legends.

Lead artist: Aj MegaMan, UltraMan, Wonderbread 

Key artist collaborators: DJ MegaMan, the gigabots crew 

Audience: general 

Length: 5-6 hours 

Space required: outdoor with tent and linoleum floor. Preferably indoor space 

Preparation required: 1 hour set up. 

Minimal on site tech requirements: caution tape, two speakers and a sub. Chairs. Tables lights. 

Possible community engagement: dance workshops with the local hip-hop community, dancers, community members interested in hip-hop to build up a group of 5-10 local dancers for the culminating battle event shared with the collaborating guest artists on tour.  

Availability: spring break, any long weekend/weekends. Summer time. 

Number of performers on tour: around 3-5

Number of support staff: 1