Mile Zero Dance

eryn tempest

erψn temp3st (they/them/iel)

"Parallax" is in this year's program, and eryn is also doing one of our film commissions.

eryn tempest is a Canadian choreographer, film maker, and glitch artist currently splitting their time between Edmonton and Montréal. They are engaged in practices around softness, transformation and disruption.

Through their artistic work with glitch (digital error that fragments images), eryn explores the edges of embodiment, attempting to parse the poetics of being through the phenomenon of digital rupture. They are interested in glitch as a radical embodied stance against capitalist notions of efficiency and function. In spite of efforts to the contrary, all things eventually break, and all bodies succumb to their own forms of generation loss. Glitch is a way of celebrating this brokenness, a way to build new stories around mal/dys-function and new worlds for our bodies to live inside.

eryn’s work has been presented by Festival International du Film Sur L’Art, Tangente, Vous Êtes Ici/You Are Here (La Serre), Mile Zero Dance (Alberta), at Nextfest (UK) and Expanse (Alberta) festivals , and during the Shooting Gallery Performance Series (BC).

  • Parallax is a multimedia installation and dance performance that combines digital and analog technologies with the movements of a live dancer to explore themes of fragmentation, isolation, and memory.

    Part installation and part performance, Parallax attempts to unpack the experience of human embodiment in terms of refraction and discontinuity. The work uses a variety of mechanisms to fragment the body in an attempt to problematize the notion of physical discreteness and singularity.

    Heavily influenced by ideas from futurology, transhumanism, and mycology, Parallax imagines human being across an impossibly vast timeline, reaching through an expanding cosmos, alone yet multiple, contained yet discontinuous, a mycelial map of dreams and yearnings cascading through space.