MiBC History Project: Dancing Stories from BC MiBC History Project: DANCING STORIES FROM BCDancing Stories celebrates MiBC’s 15th anniversary with an audiovisual trip through the personal stories of seven community engagement projects and 14 Vancouver-based dance artists who have toured throughout BC. Created in collaboration with graphic recorder Adriana Contreras. All Bodies Dance LUNA Festival - Arts Revelstoke Flamenco Rosario Vanessa Goodman Olivia C. Davies MINE - Bulkey Valley Concert Association Des Arts Dehors / Arts Outside (DADAO) Amber Funk Barton / the Response. Ouro Ballet Kelowna Body Talk - Crimson Coast Dance Dancers of Damelahamid Tara Cheyenne Performance Death Cafés - ArtSpring Company 605 Danny Nielsen Dancers Dancing Shay Kuebler / Radical System Art Out Innerspace Integrated Dance Forum MascallDance Presenters Founders